
late smoking Learn more about late smoking

  • How to prevent the cold in late spring of fruit trees

    How to prevent the cold in late spring of fruit trees

    How to prevent the cold in late spring of fruit trees

  • How to prevent the cold in the late spring of the latest fruit trees

    How to prevent the cold in the late spring of the latest fruit trees

    Fruit trees are very easy to encounter cold in late spring, which refers to the rapid rise of temperature in early spring, but the climatic phenomenon of low temperature in late spring often leads to poor growth of fruit trees after flowering, affects fruit setting, hinders high yield and affects fruit.

    2020-11-10 The latest fruit tree fall spring cold how prevention fruit trees in spring
  • Measures to prevent Frost in flowering period of Walnut Fruit trees

    Measures to prevent Frost in flowering period of Walnut Fruit trees

    The main results are as follows: 1. To select suitable garden plots and varieties, we should refer to the results of local agroclimatic regionalization, reasonably carry out industrial layout, and select favorable terrain which is not conducive to air-conditioning accumulation to avoid the harm of low temperature and frost. In general, cold air in valleys or depressions is easy to gather, often causing frost, so

    2020-11-27 Walnut fruit tree florescence prevention frost measures selection
  • How to prevent Frost in flowering period of Big Cherry

    How to prevent Frost in flowering period of Big Cherry

    Irrigation before sprouting and delaying ground irrigation before sprouting and flowering can delay the sprouting and flowering of cherry. It can effectively reduce the ground temperature and avoid the harm of frost. When the temperature drops to about 2C at night, light the haystack to ensure that the whole orchard is covered with smoke, and the smoking time is the best.

    2020-11-09 How to prevent big cherry flowering frost sprouting before irrigation
  • Summer flower chrysanthemum 'purple smoke'

    Summer flower chrysanthemum 'purple smoke'

    Beijing Xiaoju summer flower series variety "Ziyan" has a plant height of about 52cm and a crown width of 93cm, with luxuriant branches and leaves and strong covering. Flowers purple, petals multi-layered, single flower 5.5cm in diameter; plump. Buds and first flowers are hung in June, and the florescence can be extended to late August. "Ziyan" is a natural hybrid. Like light, like warm climate; adapt to high temperature and strong light radiation in July and August. Happy and transparent, fertile soil, strong drought resistance, adapt to barren soil. You can spend the winter in the open field without protection in Beijing. Cutting propagation or tissue culture propagation can be used.

  • What are the key points for the management of pear flowering period?

    What are the key points for the management of pear flowering period?

    The quality of pear flowering management is directly related to the yield and quality of pear fruit, so fine flowering management lays a solid foundation for year-round management. So what are the key points for the management of pear flowering period? 1. Topdressing before flowering can improve the quality of flower buds, and

    2020-11-09 Pear trees flowering period management key points which ones pear trees
  • Four young people have cancer and regret: these bad habits must be changed.

    Four young people have cancer and regret: these bad habits must be changed.

    Recently, in a video program, when four young people talked about their experiences after cancer, they said, "it's more dangerous than a ticking time bomb."I count my days every day."I really don't want to die." Don't think that cancer is leaving the year.

  • The heart is afraid of salt, the kidney is afraid of meat, blood vessels, and all come to learn.

    The heart is afraid of salt, the kidney is afraid of meat, blood vessels, and all come to learn.

    Our body is an organic whole, each "part" works properly to ensure human health, any "part" has a problem may endanger life. Blood vessels, heart, stomach, lungs, kidneys, liver, intestines, nose.

  • Beware of pneumoconiosis complications quickly

    Beware of pneumoconiosis complications quickly

    People who are prone to pneumoconiosis do not have special interference such as dust in their work or living environment. In ordinary times, they mainly smoke indirectly or directly, and smoke or be smoked indirectly. Their frequency and concentration are quite large.

  • How many pounds of onion per mu is the reason for the onion dry tip

    How many pounds of onion per mu is the reason for the onion dry tip

    If you need an idiom to describe onions, it's sad and happy. Although onions are difficult to handle and often make people cry, this still does not stop people from loving them, so users who grow onions are also increasing.

    2020-11-08 onion yield per mu how much jin dry tip what reason if
  • Key points for the management of late budding of bananas

    Key points for the management of late budding of bananas

    If the banana buds after the end of October, it will often suffer frost damage, resulting in fruit not full, low yield, poor quality phenomenon, growers will call it snow coke. So for late budding, how to manage late budding bananas? Follow the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest banana late smoking bud management key points if
  • Key points of management of flowering period of pear trees with flowers

    Key points of management of flowering period of pear trees with flowers

    Key points of management of flowering period of pear trees with flowers

  • What does cherry tree fall spring cold protection method to have? 7 tips to help fruit growers avoid extinction!

    What does cherry tree fall spring cold protection method to have? 7 tips to help fruit growers avoid extinction!

    Late spring cold is the killer mace of crops. In March and April, it is the main node of the flowering period and young fruit growth period of some crops. A late spring cold is likely to result in yield reduction or even no harvest. For example, cherry trees that are sensitive to environmental changes should take protective measures.

    2020-11-08 Cherry tree fall spring cold protection methods what 7 tips
  • Flower and Fruit Protection of Kernel Apricot

    Flower and Fruit Protection of Kernel Apricot

    1. Irrigation before flowering in apricot about 10 days before flowering can reduce the ground temperature, increase air humidity, delay flowering for 4 days, and help to avoid the harm of late frost. two。 Special attention should be paid to frost forecast at flowering stage. When frost is predicted, the method of smoking should be taken in time to prevent frost, that is, the sundries such as straw and fallen leaves should be lit before Frosts Descent, so that the smoke will cover the whole apricot orchard and the temperature can be increased by about 2 ℃. Aerosols can also be used, with a formula of 20% ammonium nitrate, 15% waste diesel, 15%

  • A lot of rain and snow continues to hit! Vegetables, fruit trees and wheat should resist the late spring cold in this way!

    A lot of rain and snow continues to hit! Vegetables, fruit trees and wheat should resist the late spring cold in this way!

    According to the national meteorological information, it is expected that the average temperature in northwest Heilongjiang, southeastern North China, southern Shaanxi, most of Huang-Huai, Jianghan, Jianghan, most of Jiangnan, central and southern Guizhou, and central and northern South China will decrease by 60.8 ℃. Among them, central Guangxi and Jiangxi

    2020-11-09 Much land rain and snow continuous coming vegetables fruit trees wheat to
  • How to prevent frost damage of Schisandra chinensis

    How to prevent frost damage of Schisandra chinensis

    1. Disease symptoms in the northeast Schisandra chinensis producing area, varying degrees of frost damage occurs every year, light branches are frozen, serious ones cause the death of the whole plant. The damaged leaves showed irregular small spots at the initial stage, and with the extension of time, the spots connected and developed into large patches with uneven patches, the leaves faded and the leaf margin dried up. In the later stage of the disease, the young shoots were seriously dehydrated and wilted, the tissue was dry and necrotic, the leaves were dry and shedding, and the tree potential was weak. First of all, it is the influence of temperature. After Schisandra chinensis sprouted in spring, sometimes the temperature dropped sharply at night, and the water vapor condensed.

  • Harvest and processing of Angelica sinensis (3)

    Harvest and processing of Angelica sinensis (3)

    The autumn direct seeding is in the second year, the transplanting is in late October of that year, and the plant is harvested when it is withered and yellow. Dig up the whole plant, shake off the sediment and let it dry for 2 ~ 3 days. When the root becomes soft, remove the stem, leaf and fibrous root, tie it into small handfuls according to the size of the root strip, hang it head down on the Kang rack, and slowly smoke and bake it with fireworks. When smoking, you should pay attention to indoor ventilation and often turn over. After drying, rub the hair off the beard, and it becomes a commodity. Generally 667 square meters can produce dry products 150kg or so. High-yielding fields can reach 400kg.

  • Longan winter cold-proof points

    Longan winter cold-proof points

    1. Cultivate healthy autumn shoots. Autumn shoot is the fruiting mother shoot of longan in the coming year, and also one of the main branches of longan overwintering. Whether autumn shoot is healthy or not affects its ability of overwintering and cold protection. Therefore, the last autumn shoots of longan are generally controlled in the middle and late October. It is better to apply nitrogen fertilizer and drench water before shooting.

  • How to smoke garlic moss

    How to smoke garlic moss

    Bolting of garlic is usually carried out in early May, and watering should be stopped 10 days before bolting. Specific method: you can cut the false stem with a knife, cut off the bolts and pull out the bolts, then twist the garlic leaves to cover the wound, or pull out the garlic bolts directly by hand, but it is better to draw garlic bolts by hand than with a knife.

    2020-11-08 How garlic moss abstract garlic bolting general in May early ten days
  • Key points of cold prevention of longan in winter

    Key points of cold prevention of longan in winter

    1. Cultivate strong autumn shoots. Autumn shoot is the mother branch of longan in the coming year, and it is also one of the main branches of longan overwintering. Whether the autumn shoot is strong or not affects its ability to survive the winter. Therefore, the last autumn shoot of longan is generally controlled in the middle or late October, and it is best before the shoot is released.

    2020-11-08 Winter longan cold key points cultivation robust autumn shoot .